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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day

It’s not like my usual post about the random stuff that happens to me. Today I would just like to express my feeling and thoughts here.

2 years plus had passed and the Earth is still spinning, everyone is still going through life. I still can remember that fateful day, clearly as it was just yesterday. I was having my one of my best day of my life as I was in school and it was PE, volleyball is the game and I totally have a great time. That 5 hours at school was seriously fun cause the day later, I will be having my trail examination for one of the important examination of my life.

After school, it’s was time to go home and as usual my dad picked my up with the usual motorcycle and headed home. At home, I broke my daily routine by going to study for my examination (I don’t usually study). I studied for around an hour and decided to take a break. I sat down at the living room and did nothing. Mom was hanging clothes outside and then, something happened.

I heard voice of my dad, he was sleeping at that time. Something like a grunt but I did not care about it. A while after the first sound, it happened again and frequent. I went and asked my mom about it and she thought he was having nightmare. Then, we approached him and try to wake him up but we can’t. Then we shouted and hit him but it failed. My brother quickly try to do CPR on him and I went for ambulance call.

As I called the ambulance, I was really scared and I really don’t know what to say, I just told them my address and told them to be quick! They told me they don’t know the specific area, so they asked me to stay outside the main road. I went quickly outside and waited for them.

Waited and waited for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, no sign of ambulance. My neighbour called the ambulance again to confirm and a couple of minutes later, it arrived. As I was outside, I don’t know what is happening inside but I could guess, my brother keep doing CPR. When they arrived, I can guess it was too late already but I couldn’t accepted the reality. Hoping and hoping and hoping but when the paramedics told us that he was gone, my mom cry in despair, my brother try to be strong and me, I just keep quiet and I just could not accept the reality. I was thinking that maybe it’s just a dream or a movie, everything will be okay by tomorrow or later but my senses came to my and told me that everything will not be okay anymore.

Anyway, it had already happened a couple years ago and my family is slowly getting over the grief and sadness but till today, these memories will always be in my mind. I just want to say I really love you, dad even you are always strict with me, scold me but you are the only father of me. Happy Father’s Day to you in paradise…

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